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Rue du Petit-Beaulieu 3 CH-1004 Lausanne
Phone. Switzerland: + 41 (0) 78 933 23 35

13 rue Drouot 75009 Paris
Phone. France: + 33 (0) 6 19 50 76 39  

Commercial Register Canton of Vaud: public limited company IDE / UID CHE-320.835.989
IGE / IPI Federal Institute of Intellectual Property: trademark n ° 692186  -  -  -  -


Administrator - Sales Manager
Administrator - Director of Guid’Arts
Director of the Dictionary of Listed Artists

Christian SORRIANO
Expert in Art and Antiques
Customs Expert and Assessor
International Union of Experts
Chargé de Mission by the French Government
ministerial decree of 2 December 1992
in order to structure from 2/12/1992 to 2/12/1995
"The professions of Art and Antiquities"
Expert en Art et Antiquités
Expert et Assesseur des Douanes
Directeur du Dictionnaire des Artistes Cotés



  • Copyright © 2014 Lausanne Sales Hotel SA. All rights reserved for all countries.
    This site was created by Hôtel des Ventes de Lausanne SA.

    Copyright © 2014 - Hôtel des Ventes de Lausanne SA, publisher of the website, grants the user the right to private use of the content of the site. Any networking or reproduction, in any form whatsoever, partial or total of the photos, artists' works, information, advertisements or comments contained on this site are prohibited without the prior consent of the Hôtel des Ventes de Lausanne SA, experts, artists or authors of the articles. All rights reserved. It is specified that its storage in a database is also prohibited. Violation of these provisions subjects the offender to the criminal and civil penalties provided for by law. The links on this site may direct the Internet user to external sites, the content of which cannot in any way engage the responsibility of the editorial staff of the sites published by the company Hôtel des Ventes de Lausanne SA.

    The Lausanne Sales Hotel brand has been registered with the IPI (Federal Institute of Intellectual Property)
    Brand number: 692186.

    The Lausanne Sales Hotel logo is a registered trademark of Lausanne Sales Hotel SA, all rights reserved.
    Lausanne SA Sales Hall
    Manager: SORRIANO Maxime
    Rue du Petit-Beaulieu 3, 1004 Lausanne
    Declared in the Trade Register on December 5, 2014
    File number: 2014/17751 IDE / UDI: CHE-320.835.989


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    This site is edited and managed by the Hôtel des Ventes de Lausanne SA

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